About Our Founder

St Arnold Janssen

Founder of the Society of the Divine Word

St. Arnold Janssen (1837-1909) was a great educationist and philanthropist. A man of prayer and service, he was inspired to found three religious congregations to bring light and knowledge to the end of the earth through love and service. As an educationist, he won the appreciation of his students in his teaching career because he presented his teaching in an interesting way. The purpose of education was for him to enhance the young minds in knowledge and truth. His exemplary conduct won the esteem of all. We prayerfully place our institution under his guidance and specially remember him on 15th January every year. One of the religious congregations he founded was the Society of the Divine Word (SVD). St. Arnold’s Central School, Mysore is one of the many schools started by the SVD Society in India. St. Arnold Janssen had a flair for mathematics and won a gold medal for his mathematical essay on curves.

The followers of Arnold Janssen are trained to promote peace, truth and justice through educational, medical, pastoral, developmental services and through communication media.